Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Being Lazy

Next week is reading week. And as a matter of fact I don't have any classes last week and this week. It was a long holiday for me. But I have loads of pre course reading to do. The problem is I haven't done much ><...sigh...

As the days passes, I felt the pressure more and's like the whole sky falling over me soon. But on the other hand I have no motivation at all to start up the engine. The pressure is on but I am practically taking things too slow. Why can't I just be lazy...Oh man, life is never easy, I know. Sometimes I felt like being lazy...I guess I just need to chill out and take a break. But everything's coming all at once. At this moment, how i wish to be tucked in a big comfy bed with lots of pillows on it... in a beach resort somewhere in Maldives.

Ok ok I think I shouldn't be bragging on and on about how stressful my life is now. I guess there is always give and take. No pain no gain. And I really should be working ... work work work...sigh...

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