Saturday, July 26, 2008

Tales of The Unexpected

I have finally "bumped" into the book I have been looking for almost the past 10years!!!

And so 13 years ago, I came across this short story my english tuition teacher used for the class' teaching material. It was an interesting story. A few years later, I tried to find the source of the story. But I only vaguely remember the book has "Strange" and "Stories" in it.

Today, I just realised there wasn't a "Strange" or a "Stories" word in the book title. It was "Tales of The Unexpected" by Roald Dahl. I bumped into it in Waterstones while browsing around for Short Stories books. Unbelievable! I finally found the book! Apparently it was first published in 1979!

Friday, July 11, 2008


Thursday, July 10, 2008

P.S. I Love You

I have finally watched P.S. I Love You!!! Had been wanted to watch it for so long. And to my surprise, it was not that bad after all!

Well, I always thought it's a movie that will just make you cry. The fact that Jerry (the main actor) died and planned a series of letters and surprises for Holly (the main actress) completely puts me off.

Simply because I would thought that since he's dead anyway, why still keep reminding her of him!

I didn't enjoy the first part of the movie that much, but it gradually improved. It's a lil more than touching, inspiring I would say.

Although it did took her a whole year to finally let him go, maybe we do need that much time sometimes.

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

It's July...And it's Empty

Complete blankness,

Leona's Yesterday Plays,

Bookmarks aren't facilitating,

Spent 40 pounds online,

What is wrong?

Boredom strikes,

Nothing seems motivating anymore,

Hopes faded,

Utterly aimless,

When will bored of disappear?

When will emptiness be filled?

Butterfly House


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