Tuesday, August 29, 2006

The Story of 5 Monkeys

Heard this story from a colleague today...

The Story of 5 Monkeys is a social experiment and analysis of common corporate behaviour.

An experiment was conducted by putting 5 monkeys in a cage. In the cage is a ladder and on top of the ladder is some bananas. One of the monkeys climbed up the ladder to get a banana, another monkey at the bottom of the ladder would be sprayed with water. Every time a monkey attempts to get a banana on top of the ladder, another monkey at the bottom will be sprayed. After a while, the 5 monkeys realised this trend, none of them make any attempts to get the bananas.

The experiment is continued by removing one of the 5 monkeys and replaced with a new monkey. The new monkey sees the bananas on top of the ladder, looks around and climb up to get it. The other four monkeys beat up the new monkey before he manage to climb up since they knew they would get sprayed if the new guy would have got the bananas. Confused, the new monkey tried again and got beaten up again.

One of the old monkeys is removed and a new one replaced. As a newcomer, the new monkey tries to get on top of the ladder and got beaten up as a result. The previously beaten monkey participates in punishing that poor new guy.

The experiment continues by replacing an old monkey each time with a new one until the original five monkeys are replaced with new ones. At this point, none of the monkeys will climb up the ladder to get the bananas and none of them know why! All they know is that if they do, they'll get beaten up.

That's what is happening in some organisations where employees just adhere to policies that doesn't make sense to them at all.

Friday, August 18, 2006

Binging in the office

It's 18:36:15 and I'm still in the office. It's a Friday ffs. And most of the ppl are gone. Why am I still here?!?! I actually wanted to wait until 8 when production starts so that I can do some testing. Oh man, its such a torture not being able to do work when its really something you wanted to get over with. The database is down at the moment sheesshh...And so I guess I could spare some time blogging.

Thinking twice, it's Big Brother Live Final at 20:00!!!Sheeshhh...Maybe I should just go home and forget about work and come back to it on Monday morning. Arghhh...

Ok then I'm going home now :P

Monday, August 14, 2006

The danger of blogging

If it's not of the fact that it is quite dangerous to blog about other ppl, my blog would have been full of rants!

I once read a random singaporean article about ppl losing their jobs, losing friends, couples breaking up etc etc because of what they write in their blog. You are so free to blog about anything to a point where you forgot it is also a so public source that everyone have access to. And that you might just be complaining about how bad your boss is, bs on some shitty colleagues or talk crap of someone else without realising that they might also be reading your blog.

But hey that is the frustrating part. The main purpose of blogging is to spill out what you want to say and tell other ppl although its about any good or bad gossips about other ppl haha. Anyway...I guess that also makes blogging a form of art. Blog it in such a way that'll let your blog readers make up what you're trying to address themselves. ;)

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Summer's gonna be over soon

Summer's gonna be over soon. It starting to get chilly again. There goes all the summer clothes under the bed. And come the autumn coats into the wardrobe. Autumn's collection is one of my favourites. Shopping, here I come!

Have been hearing complains from people lately about how boring and mundane life and work is. And here comes a thought - I suppose that is how life should be? Or maybe I could have spiced things up a lil bit by doing something different than the regular friday drinks in pub, weekend shopping in London, weekly visits to the gym or being a couch potato watching what big brother is up to. Last month's motivation and resolution have proven the first step - get a gym membership and ... Yea that's about it. Hmm any suggestions what other ingredients I can add to spice up my life?

Was watching last weekend's grand prix and I can say it was one of the most interesting races of the whole season!!! I felt asleep watching previous races but not this one. Just felt that life is just like motor racing, as long as your in game, you CAN win! Even though racing is not just about winning. But hey, do you compete to lose? And what I mean by winning is finishing the race no matter where you stand. And with this, I supposedly should tell myself this : Hang on there!

Anyway, full of crap tonight. The fact that I need to face the reality of "what" I wanna do next is back haunting me again (if your thinking what this might be, forget it and get on with your life!).

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