Sunday, December 24, 2006

Monday, December 18, 2006

Shang Palace

Went to Shang Palace in Shangri-la KL yesterday on my treat...hehe
The food was ok...The 3 bui chicken is nice. Heard that its a taiwanese specialty hmm...but the other dishes are like normal ones...
So far, they say its better than MO and Ritz...(take note Amy! :P)

Saturday, December 02, 2006

Christmas Shopping at Oxford Street

Sneaked out half way of my ID afternoon class today to go shopping. Attendance gets worse each week. Today only 4 of us left. It's good in a way that the tutor can focus more on our individual work, but class gets less interesting since I think he had covered most of what he wanted to teach.

Anyway, the last two weeks will be the final presentation of our work for the whole course, which I don't think I will be able to attend. A shame really, but I'm going to burst if I don't go on a holiday any time soon!

Back to shopping, well I wasn't really Christmas Shopping, but just to get stuff for people...and myself of course. Shopped a bit in Covent Garden before heading to Ox St. It was utter madness to be on Oxford Street 3 weeks before Christmas. It was closed for cars this weekend, and even so, the street was incredibly packed! Couldn't have imagined how it will be like nearer to Christmas.

Spent quite a bit today (suffereing from a tinge guilty conscience). And fell in love with two items which are a bit over priced: a leather jacket (two different ones actually) which costs around £140 (the other one is more pricey...around 40 quid more) AND the pinky beige Karen Millen dress (which Leona was wearing in last weeks's x factor!) which costs £160. Went to try it on today and loved it more! Damn! Wonder if it will be on sale after Christmas (pray it will and size 8 is still there!)

So, without further yapping, if you are thinking of getting me a Christmas present, you know what to get don't you ;) (very thick skin and perasan i know :P) kekeke

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